Retirement Planning

“While you work for money during the most productive years of your life, money should work for you during your golden years”.
“While you work for money during the most productive years of your life, money should work for you during your golden years”.
With traditional retirement planning vehicles i.e. 401k and IRAs it is unlikely to achieve that financial security and certainty everyone wish for, as these vehicles have several drawbacks i.e. taxes at withdrawal, high administration fees, highly sensitive to market changes, inaccessibility when you need it.
I advise clients to shift away from traditional retirement investment options i.e. 401k and IRA and focus on tax-free retirement investment avenues such as Investment Grade Insurance Contracts (IGIC).
This upgraded insurance policy offers several benefits, such as:
1. Tax-free withdrawals, so you will not pay taxes on your investment when you take it out.
2. A death benefit that is greater than the amount you paid into the contract, which passes directly to your beneficiaries without any legal obstacles.
3. No extra fees that reduce your savings.
4. Access to your cash value at any time, with no restrictions on how much you can take out each year.
5. Guaranteed growth, regardless of stock market conditions.
6. Transferable to your children without being subject to income taxes.
By investing in an Investment Grade Insurance Contract, you can enjoy these benefits while avoiding some of the downsides of a 401(k).

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